We understand that sometimes a piece might not be exactly what you expected, and that’s okay. Returning your items is easy and hassle-free.
Whether you need a different size, have changed your mind, or the item isn’t quite right, our simple return process will guide you through each step. Just follow the instructions below, and we’ll help you find the ByNouck jewelry that’s perfect for you.
Enter your order number and the e-mail address you used to place the order via the return link.
Click on the button below to start your return process to ByNouck. Select the item(s) you wish to return and choose the reason for your return. You can pay the shipping costs directly in the returns portal and you will receive a return label afterwards.
Note! If your country is not listed among the options in our returns portal, please contact our Customer Support team. They will quickly help you with your return shipment.
Bring the package to a drop-off point/post office/letterbox. Both the cost and risk of shipping are at your own expense when returning.
We recommend that you send your return with tracking or other proof of shipment, in case your package is lost in transit. Unidentifiable returns will be returned to the sender whenever possible and will not be refunded.